Rinko Kawauchi: Illuminance, Ametsuchi, Seeing Shadow
This project was an assignment for GPHD 135 at California State University Sacramento for Spring 2017. It is a showcase of Rinko Kawauchi's Iluminance, Ametsuchi, and Seeing Shadow.
Rinko Kawauchi Website
CSUS. Spring 2017. GPHD 135
This project was an assignment for GPHD 135 at California State University Sacramento.The objective of this project was to create a website showcasing a series of work from a select list of photographers. The website had to be 4 pages, with a 960 pixel width layout. It required a home page, gallery, press, and about page.
I chose to showcase Tokyo based photographer Rinko Kawauchi for my website. This website is basically an advertisement for a previous gallery exhibit of hers: Illuminance, Ametsuchi, and Seeing Shadow. I wanted to emphasize the romantic feel to her work with this purple and tan layout. The highlight of this website is the exhibition page where the viewer gets to be really immersed in understanding the work of Kawauchi.
Thank you for Viewing!